question: "what keeps me from posting more often?"
i'm not trying to ignore anyone, and lord knows i'm not making an effort to deflect and/or deter any readers (assuming anyone even bothers to stop by these days), it's just that sometimes life gets messy and/or distracting, and when that happens all a puppy girl can do is stop and smell the ... er... zinnias, while everyone around her goes slowly out of their minds. i'm quite certain "life as i know it" will return any day, but for the time being i thought it might be a good idea to change up my bloghedule (bloggeroutine?). come to think of it, since mommy's readying herself to enter into a couple of fabulous and/or interesting and/or lucrative (be still my heart) projects, the "new" and improved schedule may be the one i keep.
here's what i'm trying to (poorly) say: for the next little while, i'll be here 2 or 3 times a week with something simple (think: pictures & quotes). it goes without saying the DALAI BOBO will continue to be here every Sunday with his own wise offerings. and, who knows? maybe i'll do the occasional post from time to time. then again, maybe i won't.
meanwhile, mommy and daddy have decided to join forces over on DADDY'S site, because they can. between the two of 'em, perhaps they'll be able to come up with fodder worthy of perusal and/or the occasional comment more than once a week. (obviously, daddy will be the main contributor there, because mommy spends WAY too much time writing drivel over HERE.) it would be nice to think the two of you (or are there 3 now?) will continue to come by and visit me. i'll keep a light on in the window, in case you have trouble finding this place in the dark.
"I named my dog Stay so I can say, "Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay." " ~Steven Wright