first the plc: which stands for puppy licks 'n cuddles... which was just what dr. mommy ordered for daddy's crummy cold. and i guess it worked, cuz he was outta bed and off to work at the crack o' dawn this morning... tho' i'm pretty sure i heard him sniffle more than a few times. still. i'm glad he's feeling better. mommy is too. mommy can't get a lot of things done around here when he's home and she's busy worryin' about him (not that she ever does that much when daddy's not around here, mind ya, but still... what if she wanted to clean out that guest room after 2 years? or reorganize the storage room in the basement? or start those new yoga classes? all good things she might have considered doing monday/tuesday if daddy hadn't been such a sick boy).
of course, as you can see from the picture to the right, bobo wrangled the best cuddling position on the couch yesterday. still, even tho' i had to make do with napping on the loveseat, i was totally channeling puppy-cuddles (and/or licks) to daddy... so, that counts, right? besides, all bobo got for his efforts was a pat or two on the head... on the other hand, i was in perfect position to snag any and all food items that may have fallen out of daddy's hand while he dozed. sadly, there weren't many. apparently daddy doesn't quite get the whole concept of starve a fever--feed a cold.
as for the "idol chat"... let's make this snappy, shall we? mommy was pretty bored with the show last night, i think it's because she finally figured something out. the show is boring! haha... actually, i guess the show's okay, tho', let's face it, the really good performers are not gonna win... and, do they want to? i think not. for the record, here's a very brief overview of what i do think:
1. lisa: hmmmm. if not this week...i'm thinkin' next.
2. kellie? girl... find better songs or pack your bags. and stop letting those stupid stylists make you look glamorous. yer losin' that innocent "girl next-door/girl from the sticks" charm ya once had. now you're starting to seem like... dare i say it? (i dare! i dare!) white trash. having a daddy in prison doesn't help, y'know?
3. chris: run, don't walk! and take your talented ass over to an existing band so you can get on with your career as a rock star.
4. mandisa: you should sit on the asshole stylist who forced you into that pair of jeans.
5. taylor: you're fun to watch & you're mightily talented, ever consider doing a sit-com? (is it just mommy? or doesn't he kind of look like matthew perry?) seriously, dude, don't get sucked into that whole annoying "brady bunch bonanza" morass idol contenders always seem to wind up in... it's so not you.
6. ace: what the f*ck happened to your hair?
7. katharine: everyone seems to think you're gonna win. maybe that's true, 'cuz you do fit the "mold"... which is probably why mommy doesn't like you.
8. bucky: pack your bags. go home. get braces. take dance lessons.
9. paris: mommy knows you're good, but it doesn't matter. you bug her.
10. elliot: nice.
as i read over these comments, one thing becomes terribly apparent to me... the stylists for american idol suck. i mean really suck. you know you can get the look... but why-oh-why would you want to?
golly, i know i promised to deliver "plc, idol chat, and more" today...but, in case ya haven't noticed, this is turning into a really long-assed post. i'm A) gettin' tired, B) runnin' out of worms, C) in need of a pee break, 4) all of the above. would ya mind terribly if i saved the "more" part for later? you won't? oh thank you! also, i know you're still waiting to hear about boy #2's birthday, kind of hard to belieeeee..... ack! ack!! ack!!!! did anyone notice who stephen colbert's guest on the colbert report was last night???? that f*ck-face asshole former fema director michael yer-doin'-a-heck-of-a-job-brownie brown!! holy crap shit f*ck damn crappy shit! (mommy was watching the re-broadcast just now. oh if only she'd known...she can't stand that arrogant prick jerk-off bastard, either.)
too late! i saw/heard
the big f*cker him! and now, i really have to go... 'cuz watching/listening to that f*ckhole guy has totally creeped me out. i think i'm gonna just close my eyes/ears for a few minutes and try to get that f*cksh*t guy outta my head. ewww. ewwww. and ewwwwwwww!!!!
"I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time." ~ Charles M. Schultz