today, i tried to log on at 7:11 am... but was unable to do so until 10:03 am. i'm almost certain it should not take nearly 3 hours to log on. i have cable access, for chrissake. then, just to make matters worse, it took another 10-15 minutes for me to access my "dashboard", and another 30-40 minutes to actually get into this page, in order to post. when i finally
got here, and started typing my little heart out, imagine my dismay when the error message started flashing, and suddenly all my well crafted worms were dashed to their deaths on the bloggy rocks below. after much cursing and re-booting, i did manage to get back into the posting page, only by then i had completely forgot what it was i wanted to say in the first place, tho' i'm quite certain it was incredibly intelligent and witty. as you might surmise, this kind of thing is an enormous problem for a content challenged individual such as myself.

please. for my sake, and for the sakes of... others who are not me, fix this shit. otherwise, i will have no recourse but to take the o
ne reader who is devoted to me (and you know who you are, dadddy), step out onto thevery big and very scary internet super highway, stick out my thumb, and accept a ride with the first agreeable blogging forum willing to pick me up. and i'll do it. oh yes i will. and, for all you know, i might land here on typepad, just so i can be near daddy, who's already cheating o
n you, >here<. i have neither the patience nor the inclination to wait much longer, so get your act together, blogger-dot-playing-on-my-nerves-dot-f*cker-dot-com, or i'm history! history i tell you... history!

(ps...typepad-dot-com, you're on notice, too, bitch... i'm not happy about the trouble i'm having changing type size/color... and, in case you haven't noticed, i'm a fickle little girl. what can i say? i know what i want... and i want what i want when i want it! consider yourself warned.)
"Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks." ~ Author Unknown