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10 June 2007



Lovely thought. Nice blog. I stop by again.


Lovely thought. Nice blog. I will stop by again.


Is that our family motto or what? Another great quote babe and fetching shot of the one and only BoBo. Love you.

cj in MN

You know - I love that idea. I will work hard today to do just that!

:) Hope your doing well!!


I do that alot. Nothing. I'm very good at it, too.


Gale: why, thank you! twice, in fact! ; ) xox

Honey: yup, just like on Seinfeld, our lives are often about doing a whole lot of "nuttin'"... and loving it! that said, i LOVELOVELOVE YOU, even more! xoxo

CJ: not sure when you'd have time to do "nothing", sweet friend, what with 3 kids, 2 dogs, that hunky hubby, and, well, all that other stuff you do! : ) xox

Nessa: hopefully this quote explains many of the posts i do on the Snark. i write what i "know" -- glad you can relate! heh heh. ; ) xox

Miz BoheMia

Oooh! Delish quote indeed and oh so true... though I have to sneak in short moments of doing nothing into busy days but, you know, it makes a WORLD of difference FO SHO!

And it brought to mind a wonderful book I read oh so long ago when still a child... makes me want to read it again but, alas, it's packed...

I will not mention the title for methinks you might like it! *grins*

A faboo quote my dearest and most amazing and utterly loved, LOVED I TELL YOU, of amigas! Mil besos and oh how I hope you are back in fighting form with no more antibiotics on the horizon for you!

MWAH from one who misses you mucho!


What a good way to do no harm.


Unfortunately, I'm just a little bit too good at that one.


Cute quote, good doggie.

On the other hand, you shouldn't over-estimate its value, either.


Heh! That would be me, the Great Doing-Nothing-Girl. Better yet if I can do nothing with a nice glass of wine and a doggie at my feet.

It's harder that it sounds, really. It takes patience and centredness to just be, confidence that all is right, and a faith that what's nothing today may just be everything tomorrow.

Lovely words, Neva. As always :-)

GG xox


You have pegged my mood and daytime plan precisely! Today, (although I'll be attempting to sit at my desk and look like I'm working) I shall actually be doing nothing - just going along... :-D Yes, I'm back as of a few short hours ago (was it last night?) Today after waking up at 2 a.m., I wonder why the world is so dark!


Miz B: short moments of doing "nothing" make gettin' back to the doing of "something" easier. at least that's what i think. of course, sometimes i get so carried away with "nothing" i forget to do "anything" ! d'oh! much love and MANY besos to you, too, dearest amiga!! ; ) xox

Jan: most of the time, i'm pretty sure that's true! ; ) xox

Schnoodlepooh: me, too! : ) xox

Al: spoken like a boss. heh heh. ; )

GG: sweet GG, i think you just elevated this concept, big time! such profundity from such a tiny -yet-good girl! : ) xox

Terry: hahaha. i figured as much! nothing like getting back from a glamorous vacation in all parts "Italy" to make you want to stay in bed and dream about the amazing time you just had! barely set foot and/or swollen ankle on American soil and already back behind a desk. ouch.

glad you're home, safe and sound, my friend! : ) xox


i always thought doing nothing was quite something


I think doing nothing is vastly underrated - I do it as often as I can (which isn't often enough according to my true nature). XOX


Oh, bother!


When it rains I can do nothing perfectly


Now if I could just get paid doing it...nothing, that is.


"Doing nothing"...I haven't done that for so long that I don't even remember how. Whenever I try, one of my kids comes along to make sure I don't, but I love not doing nothing with them, so I guess that's all right.

Old Mule

Going with the tide...that sounds nice about now. I am tired of swimmming upstream. I need some Taoism in a bad way. Thank you for the wonderful quote!


I do nothing with the best of them!


there's a lot to be said for doing nothing. Its a rare and beautiful thing :-)


Pooh, there is much wisdom is fuzzy bears. And I absolutely agree: Just be, is one of the most pleasurable things and hardest things to accomplish.
I vote for Winnie as head yoga instructor!


I think Pooh would recommend humming while going along.

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