~Thought for the Week~
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
~Winston Churchill
My heart is filled with gratitude for the blessings of my dear father -- a Navy pilot -- who died a hero in the service of our country, and my wonderful step-father -- an Air Force mechanic and pilot -- who served selflessly and valiantly, and survived.
Happy Memorial Day!
A great quote and beautiful personal sentiment. Nicely done Babe! I love you!!
Posted by: Joel | 27 May 2007 at 11:49 AM
...oh and hurry up and get well. I hate it when you're sick.
Posted by: Joel | 27 May 2007 at 11:50 AM
Churchill was so brilliant with the English language. When he was a child in school, he was thought to be too dull to study Latin and Greek, so he had to be content to study English. Ironic, isn't it?
Posted by: jan | 27 May 2007 at 07:44 PM
Now, that's the perfect Memorial Day quote! Brilliant:)
Posted by: actonbell | 28 May 2007 at 09:24 PM
That is so well put!
I think adding anything to it...wouldn´t help the situation at all.
So, i just nod my head in approval and try to remembe rto tell everybody I love, that I love them, as ofte as I can.
oh ...and get better, soon!
Posted by: Minka | 28 May 2007 at 09:28 PM
That's a wonderful quote and a very sweet remembrance of your dad and ode to your stepdad. Happy Memorial Day. XOX
PS: Feel better soon.
Posted by: G | 28 May 2007 at 09:43 PM
Nice quote and message.
Posted by: schnoodlepooh | 29 May 2007 at 02:02 AM
Honey: i like this quote, too. and, thanks to your tender loving care, i'm happy to report i do feel better. sorry i messed up our weekend with all that coughing. ; ) xox
Jan: that's fascinating. i tried to read a biography on Churchill a couple of years ago, but it was so stinkin' long i couldn't get past the 2nd chapter. i suppose i should double up on my efforts and see if i can't plow through that puppy -- apparently there's much to be learned! xox
Actonbell: aww... thanks girlfriend! hope you had a perfect and relaxing weekend! xox
Minka: thank you sweet penguin! i'm feeling better, even as i type! xox
G: hope you had a perfectly wonderful weekend, yourself, NBFF. i'm pretty proud of my dad and my step-dad -- so glad it shows! xox
Schnoodlepooh: why thank you, my friend -- and, may i say, nice of you to stop by! hope you enjoyed a grand weekend! with those 3 magnificent puppies of yours, it's hard to imagine you had anything less than a lovely 3 days off. xox
Posted by: neva | 29 May 2007 at 11:14 AM
Great quote, and a nice way to honor your father and step-father. Happy Memorial Day, even though it's late, hope you had a nice holiday.
Posted by: Theresa | 29 May 2007 at 12:51 PM
That is a wonderful sentiment. My grandfather was a captain "somewhere in the South Pacific" -- Guadalcanal. He was tormented by this experience and never recovered.
That quote by Churchill has depth, and speaks to our greater human condition as well.
Posted by: Old Mule | 29 May 2007 at 01:19 PM
Oh what a beautiful quote and what a beautiful thought and sentiment expressed by you my dearest of friends... I am teary eyed reading it... teary eyed with the quote, because pro war or not, we all owe so much to so few and their sacrifices are very humbling, beautiful, painful and all in all oh so bittersweet... and teary eyed at your beautifully expressed sentiment because, well, there is so much love, pain and beauty there one can not help but be touched...
I hope that a wonderful Memorial Day weekend was enjoyed by you and yours my dearest Neva and may everyday be a day where our heroes are honored and treated with the respect they so rightfull deserve...
Mil besos!
Posted by: Miz BoheMia | 30 May 2007 at 09:13 AM
Didn't he say that about the RAF during the Battle of Britain?
Posted by: Diesel | 30 May 2007 at 10:58 PM
Nice tribute, Neva.
Posted by: Al | 31 May 2007 at 08:27 AM
rabbit rabbit!
Posted by: dddragon | 01 June 2007 at 04:56 PM
Rabbit, rabbit!
Posted by: AP3 | 01 June 2007 at 08:11 PM
Theresa: thank you, my friend! i was sick, but we had a lovely weekend, anyway! xox
Old Mule: my step-dad was stationed in Pearl Harbor -- to this day, his eyes fill with tears whenever he recounts stories of what happened the day it was attacked. not sure anyone can recover from experiences so profound. i, too, love this Churchill quote, and find it as meaningful and appropriate today, as it was when he first spoke those words. xox
Miz B: ah, dear amiga -- our Memorial Day weekend was a restful one, that's for sure -- made so, i suppose, by the fact that i was too sick to get out of bed and/or off the couch! oy! thank you for your kind words -- i'm very proud of my father AND my step-father, and honored beyond words to have had them both in my life. xox
Diesel: indeed he did, smartypants. ; ) xox
Al: thanks, Al. xox
dddragon: Rabbit, rabbit to you, dear friend! xox
AP3: rabbit, rabbit to you, you, too too, girlfriend!! ; ) xox
Posted by: neva | 03 June 2007 at 09:32 AM