this is bound to get easier with time, right? maybe so, but at the moment, i'm just a little freaking fed up with trying to learn the bloggish ways of typepad after using blogger for the past couple of months. typepad may look better... and, ultimately, it's probably waa-a-ay easier, overall, but, at the moment, i'm fed up to my shiny black nose with this shit. and, ya know, when i get fed up, toes get nipped.
i had considered trying to duplicate my post (on blogger)... daddy does so quite handily, on a stinkin' daily basis. apparently i'm not so quick on the uptake. what to do? what to do? what to do? here's my answer... quit. at least for today. perhaps tomorrow things will be better. fortunately, i have no readers (except for you, daddy)... so who am i trying to explain this shit to, anyway? daddy? he already knows (right, daddy?). besides, this is supposed to be fun (right daddy?). am i having fun, yet? (daddy?)
just so you wont' have stopped by for nothing (assuming you're not daddy) here are a few pictures of the snow, after the great blizzard of '06. i have pictures, because, we gots lots of it. lots and lots and lots of... snow. enjoy (unless you're daddy, in which case, you already know you didn't enjoy this snow so much, except for when the boys actually went out and shoveled so you wouldn't have to!) because, you know what they say.... there snow place like home! HAHAHAHA! (i get kind of stupid and giddy when i'm tired and frustrated. deal with it.)
"Snowflakes are kisses from heaven." ~ Author Unknown